Another blanket

Just as Daylight Savings has ended, as the river ice is breaking up and making scraping sounds not unlike the swish, swish, swish of slush underfoot, as squirrels are busy everywhere with bounce-like hops across last fall’s dry leaves, I’ve finished a blanket.


This blanket stitch is old-fashioned… I spied a crochet blanket with this stitch on The Crown and felt inspired.



The other day at the dog park, a retired person asked another retired person if they had hobbies. “No, not really” the latter answered, saying that they had worked so much, that adopting a hobby now felt like more work. A hobby-less life seems gloomy to me and I am forever grateful to my aunt who showed me how to crochet some 17 years ago. Like her, I usually crochet while watching tv, but lately, crochet has also come in handy during social Zoom calls.


This is a two-sided blanket made from wool. The puppy chewed a hole in it, and it required some repairing.


On the left is a circle-scarf, made using a free pattern from All About Ami. On the right is a scarf I made using a basket-weave type stitch.


These are blankets for the boys’ bedroom, made in their favourite colours, during Covid-19. It was something to do when school-at-home required availability and denied me concentration for anything else.
