Friday report

The end of the week always feels celebratory even when it is mundane. Newsletters come in to my e-mail with roundups and I sit in the glow of my desk lamp to read through a few. So far, Ann Friedman had me read an essay by Nereya Otieno and Otieno had me listen to a song titled “Too Many Birds”.

I texted Christian earlier today, before running errands and asked if he preferred Waffles with Roasted Applesauce or Pasta with Tomato Sauce with Onion and Butter. “Pasta!” he answered. These meals are simple and we love them.

Christian is laying sod, the kids will be put to bed, the laundry taken out of the dryer, the dog put in his crate, a drink poured and then we’ll settle and watch Netflix and go to bed.