Another five

  1. One should never draft a post without saving it as a draft on Squarespace. I write from fresh heartbreak - may you benefit from the advice and the consequent concision.

  2. Descriptions of trust are touching. Here's one from Camila, a character in the novel Daisy and the Six: "If I've given the impression that trust is easy—with your spouse, with your kids, with anybody you care about—if I've made it seem like it's easy to do... then I've misspoken. It's the hardest thing I've ever have to do. (...) But you have nothing without it. Nothing meaningful at all. That's why I chose to do it. Over and over and over. Even when it bit me in the ass. And I will keep choosing it until the day I die." Another from Gretchen Rubin's Little Happier podcast here.

  3. I was tickled to hear Malcolm Gladwell disparage the marathon on No Such Thing As A Fish (episode 438). Consider me determined to never add it to my bucket list.

  4. I don't disparage exercise... Christian and I have started taking neighbourhood bike rides on weekend evenings and had our mental maps of the city completely blown up. Once we startled twin fawns running across the road to suckle their mama standing on the other side. Five raccoon heads noted our arrival at Elizabeth Dafoe Library and immediately disappeared behind the low concrete bed wall one twilight evening. Grant Peterson's Just Ride is a "hey, relax" kind of book on the subject of bike riding.

  5. I made snowball-sized meringues this week, that were more like mini pavlovas, the difference being that meringue should be dry all the way through and pavlovas can have a pillowy soft center. I've learned lots trying to make meringues for the first time for this other recipe: Nigella's Meringue Gelato Cake with Chocolate Sauce. I've had to learn lots because meringues don't seem very common here in the middle of Canada.